Paper-1 Gen. English
Paper-2 Childhood and Growing up
Paper-3 Contemporary India and Education
Paper-4 Instructional System & Educational Evaluation
Paper-5, 6 & 7 (PCB & PCM Group)
(Select any three)
1. Chemistry (I, II & III)
2. Botany (I, II & III)
3. Zoology (I, II & III)
4. Physics (I, II & III)
5. Mathematics (I, II & III)
Paper-8 Instructional system & Educational Evaluation
Paper-1 Gen. Hindi
Paper-2 Knowledge & Curriculum
Paper-3 Learning & Teaching
Paper-4 Peace Education
Paper-5, 6 & 7 (PCB & PCM Group)
(Select any three)
1. Chemistry (I, II & III)
2. Botany (I, II & III)
3. Zoology (I, II & III)
4. Physics (I, II & III)
5. Mathematics (I, II & III)
Paper-8 Open Air/SUPW Camp
Paper-1 ICT
Paper-2 Language across the curriculum
Paper-4 Guidance & Counseling in School
Paper-5, 6 & 7 (PCB & PCM Group)
(Select any three)
1. Chemistry (I, II & III)
2. Botany (I, II & III)
3. Zoology (I, II & III)
4. Physics (I, II & III)
5. Mathematics (I, II & III)
Paper-8 Pedagogy of a school subject (part-I), Ist & IInd year (candidate shall be required to offer any two papers from the following)
1. Mathematics 2. Physics 3. Chemistry 4. Biology 5. General Science
Practicum : Special Training programme
Paper-1 Environmental Education
Paper-2 Creating and inclusive school
Paper-3 Understanding discipline & subject
Paper-4 Physical education & yoga
Paper-5 Gender, School and Society
Paper-6 Assessment for learning
Paper-8 Pedagogy of a school subject (part-I), Ist & IInd year (candidate shall be required to offer any two papers from the following)
1. Mathematics 2. Physics 3. Chemistry 4. Biology 5. General Science
Practicum :
1. Practice teaching
2. Block teaching
3. Report of any feature of school/case
4. Criticism Lesson